
President Trump and the Recent Arab-Israeli Normalizations

President Trump and the Recent Arab-Israeli Normalizations

October 25, 2020
by Servet Akman, published on 25 October 2020
Eleven days to the elections in the United States, President Donald Trump announced the deal that Israel and Sudan have agreed to normalize relations. President Trump said there are five more Arab countries ready to join the bandwagon to have ties with Israel.
İntihar Vakaları Açısından Türkiye

İntihar Vakaları Açısından Türkiye

September 3, 2020
by Hülya Terzi, published on 3 September 2020
Ümitsizliğin, yaşamla baş edememenin, çaresizliğin çaresi olarak görülen intihar vakaları, aileleri, toplumu ve ülkeleri doğrudan etkileyen ciddi bir toplum sağlığı problemidir. Her dönem ve her coğrafyada farklı sebeplerden dolayı yaşanan intihar vakalarının yöntemi, sebepleri ve sonuçları bazen sorumluluktan kaçmak bazen de özendirilmemesi adına yeterince irdelenmemektedir.
Oman: New Theater of Regional Rivalries?

Oman: New Theater of Regional Rivalries?

August 31, 2020
by Haşim Tekine published on 31 August 2020
The recent change of leadership in Muscat is crucial for regional balance of power as much as for Oman’s domestic politics. Following Sultan Qaboos bin Said’s 50-year long reign, the country has had a new ruler, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, since last January.
Is Turkey changing strategy by giving citizenship to Hamas members?

Is Turkey changing strategy by giving citizenship to Hamas members?

August 28, 2020
by Servet Akman, published on 28 August 2020
Last week, The Telegraph reported that Turkey gave citizenship to a dozen of Hamas members. The allegations were serious and addressed to the government by Ünal Çeviköz, MP from the main opposition party CHP and former Turkish Ambassador to the UK.
Bulunan Hazineye Sevinememek

Bulunan Hazineye Sevinememek

August 24, 2020
by Baki Kaya, published on 24 August 2020
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan 21 Ağustos Cuma günü bir müjde vereceğini kamuoyuna açıkladı ve beklenen açıklama yapıldı. Erdoğan yaptığı açıklama ile “Türkiye tarihinin en büyük doğalgaz keşfinin Karadeniz’de gerçekleştirildiği”ni duyurdu ve dikkatler bir anda Doğu Akdeniz’den Karadeniz’e çevrildi.
Hagia Sophia is A Symbol: But of What?

Hagia Sophia is A Symbol: But of What?

August 12, 2020
by Bahadır Gülle, published on 12 August 2020
Turning Hagia Sophia to a mosque symbolizes not the death of secularism but the total control of religion by the state. Religion has become the ideological apparatus of the state. Hegemony over religion removed all the barriers for the Turkish nationalist establishment for the implementation of authoritarian policies of the state.
How Biden Presidency Would Affect US-Turkish Ties

How Biden Presidency Would Affect US-Turkish Ties

July 28, 2020
by Haşim Tekineş, published on 28 July 2020
Many believe that Trump’s possible defeat in the November election would be a serious loss for Turkey. Yet, in contrary to the prevalent mood and expectations, Biden’s election may not be as bad as some fears for Turkey, if Erdogan acts cautiously. Given the relative stability in bilateral relations, Joe Biden’s initial preference might be maintaining this course of ties with the US' unwieldy NATO partner.
The Curious Love Between the UK and President Erdoğan

The Curious Love Between the UK and President Erdoğan

July 20, 2020
by Ömer Güler, published on 20 July 2020
The strained relations with the Western countries and their suspicions concerning the true face of the coup attempt led to belated support for the Turkish government against the putschists. But there has been only one outlier country in this broad picture all the while: the United Kingdom (UK). The UK has become one of the strongest allies of Erdoğan after the July 15 coup attempt.
July 15 Coup Attempt: Foundation of Erdogan’s Authoritarian Regime

July 15 Coup Attempt: Foundation of Erdogan’s Authoritarian Regime

July 19, 2020
by Hüseyin Konuş, published on 19 July 2020
on July 15, 2016, a coup attempt took place. Erdogan called the riddling coup “a gift from God”. Immediately after, he declared a state of emergency, by-passed the parliament and turned the political system into a one-man rule.
Erdoğan's Coup Attempt Narrative Falling Apart

Erdoğan's Coup Attempt Narrative Falling Apart

July 17, 2020
by Mehmet Çelik, published on 18 July 2020
Aesop’s fable is quite relevant also in understanding the events of the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016. So far, a one-sided official narrative has dominated the scene and many people bought this version at face value without feeling the need to check its reliability.
Turkish Foreign Policy in the Shadow of Massive Purges and Eurasianist Turn

Turkish Foreign Policy in the Shadow of Massive Purges and Eurasianist Turn

July 17, 2020
by İmdat Öner, published on 17 July 2020
In the new era, Turkey’s increasing detachment from the West underscores a major shift in Ankara’s strategic thinking. With the Eurasianist ideology increasingly emboldened in foreign policy decision-making, Turkey’s relations with the West have grown more strained, and anti-American and anti-Western sentiment among the country’s ruling elite has dramatically ramped up.
Legal Disaster That Resulted from Notorious State of Emergency in Turkey

Legal Disaster That Resulted from Notorious State of Emergency in Turkey

July 16, 2020
by Mehmet Bozkaya, published on 16 July 2020
The coup attempt staged on the night of 15 July 2016, which was carried out under an obscure, bizarre and unexampled plan, was contained in just a few hours. However, it resulted in colossal adverse impacts in various domains including legal matters.