
İran Neden İsrail’e Misilleme İçin Türkiye’yi Tercih Ediyor?

İran Neden İsrail’e Misilleme İçin Türkiye’yi Tercih Ediyor?

June 19, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 19 June 2022
Onlarca ülkede İsrail diplomatik misyonu bulunmasına ve İsraillilerin turist olarak dünyanın birçok ülkesine gidiyor olmasına rağmen, İran’ın bu suikastlere misilleme yapmak için Türkiye’yi tercih etmesinin çeşitli nedenleri bulunuyor.
Turkey's Plans for a New Offensive in Syria

Turkey's Plans for a New Offensive in Syria

May 29, 2022
By Enes Esen, published on 29 May 2022
The military operations carried out by the Turkish armed forces in Syria and Iraq play an important role in securing not only the country’s borders but also shaping Turkey’s domestic politics. On the one hand, Turkish generals want to extend the buffer zone between Turkey and YPG, an entity with a close relationship with the PKK, whenever an opportunity arises.
How to Make Sense of Turkey’s Objection to Finland and Sweden?

How to Make Sense of Turkey’s Objection to Finland and Sweden?

May 21, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 21 May 2022
NATO member countries are seeking clarity on Turkey's view of the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO. If it is taken at face value, accusing Sweden and Finland of being a nest of terrorist organizations may not make much sense. It is more likely that their bid to join NATO is collateral for Erdoğan’s long demands from the US government.
NATO’nun Son Genişleme Süreci ve Türkiye’nin Tutumu

NATO’nun Son Genişleme Süreci ve Türkiye’nin Tutumu

May 14, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 14 May 2022
AKP Genel Başkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, "Biz şu anda İsveç ve Finlandiya'yla ilgili gelişmeleri takip ediyoruz ama olumlu bir düşünce içerisinde değiliz… İskandinav ülkeleri ne yazık ki terör örgütlerinin adeta misafirhanesi gibi. PKK'sı, DHKP-C'si İsveç'te, Hollanda'da yuvalanmış durumdalar. Oraların hatta daha da ileri gidiyorum parlamentolarında da yer alıyorlar. Bu noktada bizim olumlu bakmamız mümkün değil" şeklinde konuştu.
Can the Normalization Process Between Turkey and Armenia Yield Results?

Can the Normalization Process Between Turkey and Armenia Yield Results?

May 6, 2022
by Mustafa Enes Esen, published on 6 May 2022
To begin with, Ankara’s current efforts to normalize its relations with its neighbors primarily rely on Turkey’s desire to boost its economy by expanding its export markets and attracting investments. But unlike other wealthy countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, the normalization with Armenia does not present a similar prospect in terms of commercial activities.
Will Turkey and Saudi Arabia turn the page?

Will Turkey and Saudi Arabia turn the page?

May 1, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 1 May 2022
Turkish-Saudi relations soured following the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood supported by Turkey in 2013 in Egypt, while Saudi Arabia has been one of the main sponsors of General Sisi. The bilateral relations went from bad to worse with Ankara’s unwavering support to Doha during the conflict between Qatar and its neighbors led by Saudi Arabia in 2017. The murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in 2018 and the subsequent developments were the last straw that totally broke the political relations.
Turkey’s Ambitious Overture to Latin America

Turkey’s Ambitious Overture to Latin America

April 30, 2022
by İmdat Öner, published on 30 April 2022
With thisthis outstanding diplomatic activism, Ankara is increasingly shoring up ties with new partners in the region. Yet, what is striking is that the Turkish government keeps pushing to expand its footprint further in distant geographies at a time when the Turkish economy is crumbling.
Türkiye-Mısır Müzakereleri Ne Aşamada?

Türkiye-Mısır Müzakereleri Ne Aşamada?

April 15, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 15 April 2022
Mısır’da ordunun yönetime el koyması üzerine 2013 yılında kopan Türkiye-Mısır ilişkilerinin normalleştirilmesini teminen iki ülke arasında Dışişleri Bakanlıkları nezdinde yürütülen istişarelerin ilk turu 2021 Mayıs ayında Kahire’de, ikincisi ise Eylül ayında Ankara´da gerçekleşmişti.
How Do Russians Benefit from Turkey’s Refusal to Impose Sanctions?

How Do Russians Benefit from Turkey’s Refusal to Impose Sanctions?

April 8, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 8 April 2022
Turkey has economically benefited so far from its neutral status on the invasion of Ukraine, while every other NATO country and several other nations severely cut down their relations with Russia. Given that Turkey has shied away from taking a stand against Russia and imposing sanctions, many Russians ponder Turkey as a way to circumvent Western sanctions.
Why does Turkey not impose sanctions on Russia?

Why does Turkey not impose sanctions on Russia?

March 31, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 31 March 2022
Despite being a NATO member and a country to lose much when the northern Black Sea falls under Russian domination, Turkey not only did not put any unilateral sanctions against Russia but also publicly announced that it would welcome the Russian oligarchs and their assets in the country, thus creating a loophole for Russians.
Ukrayna’da Yabancı Savaşçılar Meselesi

Ukrayna’da Yabancı Savaşçılar Meselesi

March 23, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 23 March 2022
Ukrayna savaşının ilk günlerinde Ukrayna Devlet Başkanı Volodimir Zelenski dünyaya çağrıda bulunarak Rusya'nın Ukrayna'yı işgaline karşı savaşmak isteyen gönüllü yabancılara davette bulunmuştu. Ukrayna Bölgesel Savunma Uluslararası Lejyonu, bu çerçevede Ukrayna ordusuna bağlı olarak 27 Şubat'ta kurulan askeri bir birlik. Bu birliğe katılmak üzere şu ana kadar 50’den fazla ülkeden 20 bin civarında gönüllünün başvurduğu belirtiliyor.
Rus Askerlerinin Savaştığı Diğer Cephe: Afrika

Rus Askerlerinin Savaştığı Diğer Cephe: Afrika

March 16, 2022
by Enes Esen, published on 16 March 2022
Günümüzde Rus askerlerinin ülkelerin kaderinde önemli rol oynadığı yerler Ukrayna veya Suriye’yle sınırlı değil. Rusya’nın halihazırda dünyanın değişik bölgelerinde örtülü veya aleni şekilde muharip birlikleri bulunuyor.